Environmental Consulting - A Partnership Approach
Alternative Technologies has provided environmental consulting services for managing health and safety and construction related projects since 1993. The human resources at Alternative Technologies consist of operations specialists with extensive senior level technical and business management experience. Alternative Technologies was initially created to provide a business-to-business alternative for the development and management of high profile environmental management projects. Our approach has changed as our clients' experience and awareness of environmental liabilty impact issues related to their projects has increased. We strive to provide each client with alternative environmental consulting solutions by working in a partnership approach that is practical and simple to understand. In this way, our clients can take advantage of our experience and the best available technologies, and leverage these resources with their own resources and that of the local business community.
The key to our success at Alternative Technologies is the knowledge that successful businesses are built on relationships. This is particularly important since, even though environmental projects appear similar, each clients' approach and concerns are usually different. At Alternative Technologies we use a multidisciplinary approach for strategic planning that requires listening and open communication. In order to provide the service that most of our customers expect, we start by listening to customers, employees, management and the business community. The end result is that this behavior will usually provide the solution to our problem. Experience has shown us that the better we listen, the more we foster these relationships and the more we share relavent experiences, the more likely we are to provide practical solutions relevant to the environmental issues at hand. As a business philosophy, the successful business has employees with superior relationship skills and maintains strong ties to the business community to better serve their clients. In this way, the better run businesses demonstrate their wisdom by exercising one of the best kept marketing secrets in business today, and that is, they built their business on relationships.
Alternative Technologies has built key business relationships and uses the following links to successfully provide our customers with the best available technologies and the most cost effective business solutions.
Construction Environmental Data Resources
Industrial Hygiene Associations
IICRC -S520 Mold Remediation & S500 Water Damage Restoration www.iicrc.org